URCap - Download Center
This article is aimed at URCap Developers. The URCap Download Center contains all the resources for URCaps, including: e-Series Icon sets, the Style Guide, Teach Pendant graphics for recording screenshots, the URCap SDK, and the URCap Starter Package (includes SDK in a linux virtual machine).
All files constitutes “SDK” the use of which is subject to and governed by our “LICENSE TERMS FOR SDKS”, which can be found here: https://www.universal-robots.com/legal/terms-and-conditions/license_terms_for_sdks.txt. By accessing, storing, copying, sharing, opening, or otherwise using or disposing of this file, you accept and acknowledge that you are bound by the “Terms and Conditions for use of Graphical Documentation”.
Icon Set (e-Series)
The Icon Set contains icons used in PolyScope 5.0+ and are described in the URCaps Style Guide.
The icons are property of Universal Robots A/S, and may be used a) within a URCap for their appropriate purpose, or b) in documentation in respect to a URCap or a UR+ product.
Updated icon set. Now including specific icons
Style guide (e-Series)
This style guide contains guidelines for UI design in URCaps.
It includes description of color schemes, fonts, dimensions of standard objects, and attributes of existing UI elements within PolyScope.
Generally, URCaps must comply with the style guide, and the general look-and-feel of PolyScope.
The Style Guide refers to the Icon Set, which can also be used in the UI.
This is the first release.
Released with PolyScope 5.0.
TEach Pendant Outline (e-Series)
Use this image to frame screenshots from Polyscope and/or the URSim.
The image has been sized to fit the natural 1280 x 800px size of Polyscope on the teach pendant.
Also provided is a .xcf file, the native filetype of the open-source image editing software GIMP. This .xcf file has a floating selection, which will automatically align a pasted screenshot into the teach pendant outline.
The URCaps SDK is the core tool for you to develop a URCap plugin for the graphical programming interface PolyScope.
The SDK contains the URCaps Tutorial and other documentation articles.
The core API classes are also contained in the SDK, and requires Maven 3 to be installed to your local repository.
In this way, you can start developing URCaps in your favorite Java IDE and environment.
If you are fairly new to Java, Linux, Maven or Universal Robots programming in general, it is suggested that you start out by downloading the URCaps Starter Package. The URCaps SDK is contained within the starter package.
Released with PolyScope 5.15
In Linux, extract the SDK to a suitable location.
Execute ./install.sh to install the API to your Maven repository.
If you are running an x64 Intel based system, you can also install the UR Tool C/C++ cross-compiler with the API, this happens during the install-script.
Copy the files in ./usr/bin to /usr/bin
URCaps Starter Package
New to Java, Maven, Linux or URSim?
The Starter Package is a ready-to-go Linux virtual machine image, that contains:
- Eclipse Java IDE
- URCaps SDK
- URSim, Universal Robots offline PolyScope simulator
- Maven and other necessary development tools
All you need is a virtual machine software like VirtualBox or VMWare to start the machine.
Eclipse IDE has already loaded the samples, that are present in the SDK.
Ready for you to start exploring, or start a new URCap project.
To start a new URCap project, navigate to the SDK folder, and execute newURCap.sh
See version specific instructions under the download.
The Starter Packages are listed by their SDK version, and are bundled with the URSim version equivalent to that release.
Starter Package for SDK 1.14.0
Contains URSim 5.15.0 and 3.15.0
Based on Ubuntu 16.04 x64
Go to the "My First URCap" article series, and find the video "Using the Starter Package".
Alternative FTP download
Host: ftp.universal-robots.com
User: URPlus
Password: 2q6C36ZZ
Please see version specific instructions on the version above.
URCaps Tutorial
The URCaps tutorial is the formal tutorial and instructions for developing URCaps.
The tutorial covers the implementation of the HelloWorld and MyDaemon samples, that are enclosed in the URCaps SDK.
The tutorial walks through the various contributions, that a URCap can offer to the graphical programming interface PolyScope, and what the different sections of code do.
Important information about good coding practice and supported features are also covered.
It is recommended to read through the URCaps tutorial before beginning URCaps development.
If you are already an experienced URCaps Developer, we still recommend checking the URCaps Tutorial for updates or changes to the API.
When downloading the URCaps Tutorial, you can choose whether you want to read the tutorial for creating URCaps with a user interface based on Java Swing or HTML.
You can read this article, to help you decide which version to select.
/URCaps Tutorial Swing
(SDK 1.13.0)
/URCaps Tutorial HTML
(SDK 1.13.0)