Using non-Alphabet Languages in Popups
This How To Guide will show you how to display non-alphabet characters, such as Chinese or Japanese, in a popup.
Examples are valid for:
CB3 Software version: Not all versions (example programs are made in 3.8)
e-Series Software version: All versions (example programs are made in 5.3)
how to display non-alphabet characters
Although UR’s PolyScope GUI can display many languages, input is limited to alphabet characters. This means programmers cannot input messages for popups using certain languages. Using URScript and a PC, it becomes possible to display additional languages in popups while a program is executing. The target language is input on a PC as URScript string variables and then transferred to the robot.
Necessary tools:
PC with text editor
USB memory
URScript manual
- In a text editor, declare URScript variables
- Set these variables equal to strings by using quotation marks “ ” around the text you want to display
- Save the file with the extension *.script
- Transfer the script file to the robot using the USB memory
- Add a Script – File command to BeforeStart and open your script file
- In the main Robot Program, add a Script – Line command and call the URScript popup(s). Replace the parameter s with the variable name of the message you wish to display. See the URScript manual for more details about popup().
Assignment of variables using Operator Input can be done via URScript using the following functions:
Where the parameter s is a string that contains the message you want displayed on the Operator Input screen.
Examples of both the *.script file and using it in a *.urp program can be downloaded below.