Release note Software version 1.8.xxxxx
for CB2 only
The first release note is placed at the bottom of this article and describes the most important improvements from 1.7.xxxxx to 1.8.xxxxx
The latest software version is in the top of this article.
It is not recommended to add CB3 sparePart joints with joints of rev10 size 1 and rev11 size 3 or earlier revisions. The reason is the extra current software 1.8 draws.
The older version PCB’s cannot handle this. These joints should be send to Universal Robots for repair.
Bugfixes version 1.8.25319
- The software have been modified to be able to run on the new mother board (71004). This makes it possible to upgrade a CB2.0 controller to a CB2.1 due EOL of the old mother board.
Bugfixes version 1.8.23117
- Replacement of spare part joints has been simplified. First, the user interface for upgrading joint firmware has been improved, in order to avoid the need for manual editing of urcontrol.conf. Second, improvements have been made that make it much more difficult to accidentally "brick" a joint.
- Fixed bug that could make spare part joints jump 360 degrees after controller startup.
Bugfixes version 1.8.16941
- Fixed bugs causing the Primary and Secondary client interfaces in the controller to break the controller
- Fixed bug causing client sockets (script functions) to break the controller
- Fixed bug i movec (CircleMove) causing controller to use 100% CPU
- Fixed null pointer exception problem in Initial Variables Tab
- Improve the use of the kinematic calibration - effecting e.g. the relative waypoints
- Added support of sparePart firmware
- Added an optional parameter, qnear, to the script function "get_inverse_kin()". This makes it possible to define which solution the method will return
Bugfixes version 1.8.14035
- Fixed flickering in the AutoMove Tab for certain target TCP orientations
- Fixed 3 specific issues with Flash cards becoming unusable
- Fixed issue with conveyor tracking becoming unstable in some situations
- Fixed issue where a message sometimes was not shown in the log when a program had been started
- Fixed issue with saving when an invalid file name is supplied
- Changed the 'Realtime part warning' log message to "Heavy processor load warning"
- Fixed issue in Polyscope where the screen in some cases freezes for a while when the option to use a feature as a variable is selected in the Installation Tab
- Fixed issue, where a dialog could not be closed while playing a program loaded from an USB stick after the stick had been removed
- Fixed issue with the network where Polyscope could not connect to the controller
- Dashboard server improvements and bugfixes:
- Added ‘polyscopeVersion’ command to the Dashboard Server, which returns the version of the PolyScope software
- Fixed issue where the ‘programstate’ Dashboard Server command falsely reports that the loaded user program is playing
- Changed the ‘programmer’ user role for the ‘setUserRole’ Dashboard Server command, so that when the role is active the ‘SETUP Robot’ button on the Welcome screen is disabled
- Fixed issue with a dialog being shown when loading a program via the ‘load’ Dashboard server command
- Now, the current program is automatically closed before attempting to load a program via the ‘load’ Dashboard server command
Bugfixes version 1.8.11997
- Fixed issue where programs could not run when given a name which is reserved for programs
- Fixed error in Pallet Wizard with all languages when adding special program sequence point before first point and after last point node
- Sub-program names now allow for spaces
- Fixed small bug in inverse kinematics
- Improved robot kinematics calibration
- Added support for boolean values in Installation Variables
- Added ‘isProgramSaved’ command to the dashboard server, which returns the save state of the active program
- Added ‘programState’ command to the dashboard server, which returns the state of the active program or STOPPED if no program is loaded
Bugfixes version 1.8.11657
- Fixed an issue in PolyScope, where large robot programs (.urp) made it slow and unresponsive
- Added ‘addToLog’ command to the dashboard server, which enables putting text lines in the log, via the dashboard server
- Added ‘setUserRole’ command to the dashboard server, which allows simple control of user privileges, via the dashboard
- Improved program responsiveness when editing large programs
- ‘Wrong robot type’ messages do no longer appear in the log if a power supply is broken, a message indicating the error appears.
This is the first release
- Added a "pose" editor, so users manually can type in full robot poses
- "Installation variables" that are stored in robot memory between program runs, even after power down
- The variables are saved in "installation.variables" file
- Added two new symbols for '=' in GUI to disambiguate between '=' and '=='. New symbols are ":=" and "?=". No changes in Script code.
- Added online help (top-right '?') to MODBUS setup screen
- Disabling some OK buttons when input-values are illegal
- Improved GUI performance when working with large programs
- Added Portuguese language version
- Commands for Conveyor Tracking
- track_conveyor_linear(direction, ticksPerMeter) makes robot motions follow a linear conveyor
- track_conveyor_circular(center, ticksPerRevolution,rotate_tool) makes the robot motions follow a circular conveyor (round table)
- stop_conveyor_tracking() returns to normal robot control
- set_conveyor_tick_count(value) sends the value of an absolute encoder to the controller
- get_conveyor_tick_count() returns the estimated conveyor tick count, using interpolation
- conveyor_pulse_decode(type,A,B) makes controller decode pulses (edges or quadrature pulses with less than 50Hz frequency) as input to the conveyor tracker
- Added string comparison operators ( =,!, <, >, <=, >=) e.g. to check whether a string is empty (eg. str == "")
- Added a "norm" operator for arrays "norm(myArray)"
- Arrays can no longer change length at runtime
- Script function textmsg() can now take two arguments, so you can write for instance a string and a variable to the log-tab
- Script functions get_target_tcp_pose(), get_actual_tcp_pose(), get_target_tcp_speed(), and get_actual_tcp_speed() now uses the specified tcp position in the calculations (Note! it may change behaviour of programs that use these script functions)
- Conveyor tracking back-end functions
- Fixed compile-bugs in C-API for low-level control
- Fixed bug where robot kinematics were not loaded correctly in C-API for low-level control
- Added check for robot torques do not exceed limits. If a program has too high accelerations error code 156: "TORQUE_LIMIT_VIOLATION" will appear. The error may occur when executing programs with high accelerations and payloads
Joint firmware
- Improved robot precision, robot always moves within 0.1 mm of target position (note! not absolute accuracy)
- Possibility to simulate MODBUS units
- Fixed issues with programs that grew very large on disk
- Fixed Autoload programs, that was broken in 1.7.10293, but worked in 1.6.9671
- Fixed Java out-of-memory, heap space bug
- Fixed bug for "CircleMove" description text, when changing the GUI language the description was still in the original language
- Removed "Fail" message when shutting down robot
- Fixed bug where MoveJ-blends at high speed could generate trajectories with joint speeds higher than max speed
- Fixed controller crash after 12-24 hours when very many programs were sent to the controller, mostly seen in combination with using Modbus
- Fixed Japanese font not rendering in the About dialog
- Fixed 3D graphics bug, where the robot sometimes did not show in the 3D graphics areas of the GUI
- Fixed robot braking issues when stopping the controller (Ctrl-c and "sh stopurcontrol")
- Fixed bug where controller could crash when rapidly pressing arrows on move-screen
- Fixed bug where URScript sockets functions could return values for sockets running in other threads
- Fixed bug in GUI preventing entering blends in some cases
- Fixed update of mounting, payload, TCP, and MODBUS signals when new installation is loaded
- Fixed bug on automove screen when moving to zero-orientation pose
- Messages from startup of masterboard appear in log
- Speed slider missing in Polish language version
- MODBUS signals lose connection when starting programs
- Dialog boxes for instance showing "program saved" were not always showing
- MODBUS setup screen refresh button did not always reconnect
- MODBUS run state dependent outputs are now also set when pausing a program
- Auto-generated name for variables and waypoints are too long in some languages
- MoveP? fails with blend radius 0.001 fails on runtime
- Kinematics calibration wrist 3 offset wrong by 180 degrees fixed