195 case stories
Shun Fu Enterprise is a family-run welding factory in Changhua City, Taiwan, approaching its 10th year of establishment
Raise Robotics uses two powerful UR20 arms from Universal Robots as a platform for innovative onsite construction robots
Cobots reduce employee lifting by 50% at global leader in pork production
Raumland GmbH, a third-generation family-owned company, analyzes, filters, labels, bottles and ships wines for multiple wine producers
UR cobots help prepare students for the industry of the future
THG Automation has implemented a new feature in their cobot welding solutions that they believe “will blow their customers’ minds
UR10 Robots Revolutionize the Painting Process at Danish Company
Cobots in Grinding and Palletizing Applications Boost Productivity and Free Up Manpower
As one of the world's leading suppliers of welding machines, Migatronic also stands as one of the pioneers in collaborative welding
10 Cobots Improve Quality and Guarantee ‘Just in Time’ Manufacture
Zantech is a family-owned company founded in 1985. The company is a supplier to the metal industry and specializes in laser cutting.
The historic whole grain manufacturer looked for many years to use collaborative robots for palletizing tasks, but had not found a solution meeting the speed, payload, or reach requirements until the release of the UR20