Thousands of businesses rely on Collaborative Robots to...
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Life Elettronica decided to automate the potting process by replacing with a robot a machine that needed the constant presence of an operator. The application also had to be adapted to a very small space and guarantee high quality and repeatability standards. Life Elettronica is a company in Modena specialising in the production of electronic boards for third parties. It has invested heavily in industrial automation and also has a ur3 for board potting operations. The application has delivered unprecedented productivity and freed up resources to work on operations with greater added value.
Life Elettronica is one of Italy's leading electronic board toll manufacturers. All processes are carried out at its Modena plant, from takeover of the project to delivery of the finished product. To increase the productivity and efficiency of its processes and ensure excellent and repeatable board quality, Life Elettronica has opted for robotised automation with a Universal Robots UR3 for potting operations.
The cobot – installed by Maxver srl that provided supply, installation and training - works in a small work area and can plot 20 electronic boards at the same time. The overall work cycle, which lasts about 15 minutes, has no comparison with traditional potting methods, which require the use of other equipment and, above all, the constant presence of an operator to supervise the process.
Life Elettronica chose Universal Robots and its UR3 cobot for the potting process. Thanks to its compact size and lightness, the cobot was installed in the workspace without requiring any modification to the production layout; its 15 safety features combined with a precise risk analysis means it can operate without any protective barriers, so that the operator can interact without interrupting the process.
Life Elettronica chose Universal Robots and its UR3 cobot for the potting process. Thanks to its compact size and lightness, the cobot was installed in the workspace without requiring any modification to the production layout; its 15 safety features combined with a precise risk analysis means it can operate without any protective barriers, so that the operator can interact without interrupting the process.
Automation with the Universal Robots cobot has boosted yield, efficiency and productivity, and preserved process quality and repeatability to guarantee high-quality, perfectly potted products. Repeatability also eliminates the possibility of defects and defective products.
In addition, the company has been able to assign workers initially tied to potting to other activities with greater value added, benefitting the entire production process. Finally, the solution was developed in a very short time, and the cobot’s ease of programming and management ensured its immediate entry into service. Considering the results achieved, Life Elettronica is expanding its range of Universal Robots collaborative robots
Thousands of businesses rely on Collaborative Robots to...