PT JVC Electronics Indonesia (JEIN) is part of the JVCKENWOOD Group, a global leader in electronic and entertainment products. JEIN, heavily dependent on manual processes, saw a need to automate its operations to remain competitive. The company deployed seven units of Universal Robots’ UR3 collaborative robots (cobots) to increase productivity and achieve consistent output quality.
With the adoption of cobots, JEIN has improved its production processes and workers’ safety, while reducing yearly operational costs by more than USD 80,000. Manufacturers are increasingly turning to robotic automation to improve productivity and attain consistent output quality, changing the way they operate.
The business transformation
PT JVC Electronics Indonesia (JEIN) established similar objectives. While the engineering team in Indonesia set its sights on adopting robotic automation, the company felt overwhelmed by the thought of moving out of its comfort zone - changing its manual processes which had been in place for 20 years.