
Products & Services

Cobots are the future of manufacturing, and we offer services to unlock their full potential. Maximize uptime, extend lifespan, enhance performance, increase productivity, and improve quality. Create a safer, more efficient workplace that empowers your employees and helps your business thrive with our support.

Cobots by Universal Robots

Our cobots have demonstrated their versatility by being used in a wide range of production environments, as well as in cutting-edge solutions. When combined with additional components, they unlock their real potential.

Our cobot range

To empower you to create the solution you need for your facility, our cobot family offers different payload and reach options. Bundled with our UR+ partners, you have access to the creation of unlimited applications.

Click here to compare our different cobots models.

Complete your cobot

We at Universal Robots take great pride in our ecosystem. You have access to over 400 certified components, kits, and entire solutions, as well as software and safety accessories that seamlessly integrate with our cobots.

Our collaborative industrial robots require add-ons to reach their full potential. This world of additional products is an entire ecosystem.

Components and application kits

You know which application-specific component you want and can integrate your solution. Components include end-effectors, 7th axis, software, or teach pendants.

Turnkey solutions

Our solutions are pre-built bundles if you are looking for a low-risk plug-and-play solution easily set up on-site.

Collaborate with your robot

Collaborate with your robot

UR's software, PolyScope, connects operators to robots for efficient and productive automation. You don't need coding experience to automate your processes.

Use your process expertise and PolyScope's graphical interface to create a robust automation system. Build a program by selecting functions and executing them line by line, or interact with the cobot by manually moving the arm for fast positioning.

Discover PolyScope
NEW - UR Developer Suite

NEW - UR Developer Suite

Looking to build a solution? We have consolidated all of our amazing content into a new space called the UR Developer Suite! Click here to find all the tools, tutorials and resources you need to succeed.

Start Exploring

UR Care Service Offerings

Unlock your cobot's full potential with UR Care Services

Unlock your cobot's full potential with UR Care Services

Our comprehensive service solutions provide on-site support, eliminating downtime and optimizing your cobot fleet's performance.

Choose from a variety of customizable options including plant assessment, advanced connectivity, dedicated tech support, and remote monitoring. Our services cover all necessary spare parts and offer tailored on-site training to meet your unique production needs.

Why choose UR Care?

  • Continuous Operation with 100% On-Site Service
  • Advanced Connectivity for Production Monitoring and Remote Support
  • Expert Assistance with Dedicated Tech Support
  • Fixed Costs for a 3-Year Period
  • Preventive Maintenance to Keep Your Cobots Running at Peak Efficiency

Optimize your cobot fleet with UR Care – a solution designed to match your specific needs.

Learn more
On-site cobot support direct with UR

On-site cobot support direct with UR

Field Service Engineers (FSEs) can be quickly deployed to your location to conduct field cobot repairs or complete regular maintenance checkups, ensuring that you get the maximum value out of your cobot each day.

Learn more
Free e-learning: Strengthen your cobot knowledge

Free e-learning: Strengthen your cobot knowledge

UR Academy provides a learning path for cobot users of all levels. Explore interactive training, in-person or online, where you'll learn to deploy, program and set up your cobot for optimal performance.

Start your learning journey
Local Office
  • Universal Robots USA, Inc
  • 27175 Haggerty Road, Suite 160
  • 48377 Novi, MI
Contact us: +1 844-462-6268
Contact us: + 1-844-GO-COBOT