
In Insights, explore how cobots are transforming industries through real-world applications of cutting-edge innovations. See how businesses have achieved success in competitive markets, and read the latest trend updates and analysis.
Why cobots?

Why cobots?

What is the cobot advantage? Designed to share a workspace with humans, collaborative robots are making automation easier than ever for businesses of all sizes. Learn more about their benefits, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and unmatched versatility so you can make an informed choice.

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Case stories

Explore applications across thousands of production environments where Universal Robots' robotic arms are utilized. Empowering businesses to achieve operational excellence, these real-world examples showcase how cobots can improve productivity.

THG Automation

THG Automation

THG Automation has implemented a new feature in their cobot welding solutions that they believe "will blow their customers' minds"



UR cobots help prepare students for the industry of the future

Brandt A/S

Brandt A/S

UR10 Robots Revolutionize the Painting Process at Danish Company

Discover more about robots in our blog

Keep up to date with cobot trends on the Universal Robots blog. Explore insights on robotics and the transformative impact of automation across different sectors and industries.

Types of grippers used in manufacturing

Types of grippers used in manufacturing

Explore the essential types of cobot grippers and their applications in manufacturing, from picking and placing to palletizing

6 Examples of Industrial Robots in the Automotive Industry

6 Examples of Industrial Robots in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry has evolved with the integration of industrial robots. See how cobots have improved production efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced safety in manufacturing

Robot grippers explained

Robot grippers explained

Serving as end-effectors for robotic arms, grippers come in various forms. Gain a better understanding of robot grippers and their roles in industrial automation

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  • Universal Robots USA, Inc
  • 27175 Haggerty Road, Suite 160
  • 48377 Novi, MI
Contact us: +1 844-462-6268
Contact us: + 1-844-GO-COBOT