This URCap provides an add-in software to enable weave function in UR robot, thanks to the precisely cycle controlled, it can maintain correct weaving pattern with constant process TCP velocity, to further enhance welding quality. It provides currently circle weaving, triangle weaving, zigzag weaving, and we are working on more types to enrich the proposal capability. The objective of this add-in is to facilitate programmer easily customizes a welding project re-using maximumly native Polyscope functions and quickly build weaving features.
The URCap provides at first two program nodes weaveON & weaveOFF that just need to insert ON-node before your weaving start waypoint and OFF-node after your end waypoint.
There is also a bonus quick start approach by inserting weave QuickStart program node, which can generate a template program tree by a single click.
This URCap helps user to customize a welding project with an easy implementation of weaving feature.