Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool
Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool

Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool

The Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool empowers fabricators to make complex cuts on high-mix 3D parts tube for a fraction of the cost of a tube laser and a major productivity boost relative to manual layout cut. We've taken the same extreme ease-of-use and flexibility the industry has come to know on our Cobot Welding Tool and applied that to the plasma cutting process. Powered by a Universal Robots collaborative robot and a Hypertherm plasma cutter, the Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool is portable, safe, versatile, and extremely easy-to-use. Our DIY install, setup, and Let’s Cut Together™ intuitive programming interface save you valuable time and money, as there’s no need to fly to our facility for training nor pay a tech to come on-site. The system is fully integrated onto a mobile cart so you can bring the cobot to the work, or the work to the cobot – whatever is best for your shop’s flow; while our 30-day return policy, rent-to-own program, and fast lead times provide you with peace-of-mind Let’s start the conversation about automating your cutting. We always begin by taking an in-depth look at your application(s) to make sure they are a good fit for automation.

Manufacturer:Vectis Automation


The Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool empowers fabricators to make complex cuts on high-mix 3D parts tube for a fraction of the cost of a tube laser and a major productivity boost relative to manual layout cut. We've taken the same extreme ease-of-use and flexibility the industry has come to know on our Cobot Welding Tool and applied that to the plasma cutting process. Powered by a Universal Robots collaborative robot and a Hypertherm plasma cutter, the Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool is portable, safe, versatile, and extremely easy-to-use. Our DIY install, setup, and Let’s Cut Together™ intuitive programming interface save you valuable time and money, as there’s no need to fly to our facility for training nor pay a tech to come on-site. The system is fully integrated onto a mobile cart so you can bring the cobot to the work, or the work to the cobot – whatever is best for your shop’s flow; while our 30-day return policy, rent-to-own program, and fast lead times provide you with peace-of-mind Let’s start the conversation about automating your cutting. We always begin by taking an in-depth look at your application(s) to make sure they are a good fit for automation.

The Vectis Cobot Cutting Tool is a fully integrated ready-to-cut system. The entire system is packaged on a portable modular fixturing cart, with the UR cobot mounted and electrically isolated to the tabletop surface.

The robust Hypertherm Duramax torch is mounted to the robot flange along with a pushbutton that allows you to easily enable Freedrive mode. The plasma cutter and UR cabinet are safely housed underneath the tabletop surface. The system has a controls interface between the UR cabinet and the cutting equipment to control current, kerf compensation, pierce parameters, bevel parameters, and supervisory signals.

Vectis' URCap developed in-house allows non-programmers to quickly and easily program sever cuts, bevels, shapes, and compound shapes with a simple programming interface. The URCap also incorporates usability and robustness features such as arc supervision, error handling, cut library management, and TCP calculation - with more easy-to-use features continually being developed.

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  • 48377 Novi, MI
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