B60 – an easy-to-use and modular, high-performance camera offering a versatile, fast and robust solution for 2D robot guidance. In combination with the extensive wenglor uniVision 3 machine vision software, it can be easily integrated in robot vision systems to reliably solve, for example, pick and place applications. The URCap guides through all the calibration steps and provides sample program routines.The system allows the guidance of the robot to specific coordinates for inspecting the part and outputs valuable data for subsequent analysis in assembly applications. Get informed!
The 2D camera communicates directly with the robots of the manufacturer UR via the URCap – no separate interface needs to be developed and no separate hardware needs to be connected. This enables very quick and easy setup of the Robot Vision application. The wenglor uniVision 3 toolbox offers various modules for object detection, such as the modules for localization and pattern matching. Both modules enable different object types to be taught in, whereby several – even different – objects can be found in both modules and sorted, for example, by position. Variable offsets in x and y can also be implemented, which increases the flexibility of the pick-and-place application enormously: Depending on the application, it is thus possible to specify the exact point at which the robot should grab the object – at the tip, in the middle or rather at the rear. The results, such as the gripping position or the contour of the detected object, can be displayed individually and flexibly in the web-based visualization.
The 2D camera and robot must initially be calibrated once. Highly accurate calibration targets are available in various sizes and materials (glass for transmitted light applications, carbon fiber for incident light applications). The successful calibration process can be checked directly via a verification step.