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21/1/2025 缺工問題有解!台灣中小型製造廠三週導入UR焊接機器人 效率提升80% 台灣彰化市的順富企業社導入優傲科技(Universal Robots)焊接機器人案例,解決缺工問題,為台灣中小型製造業提供了一個具體可行的解決方案。 |
22/10/2024 優傲科技推出AI加速器,掀起 AI 驅動協作機器人創新浪潮 Universal Robots 推出 UR AI加速器,一款結合硬體與軟體的即用型工具包,將進一步推動 AI 協作型機器人應用的發展。 |
26/9/2024 Universal Robots 提升 UR20 和 UR30 的負載 提升高負載協作型機器人的承載能力,將顯著增強客戶的生產效率和產出。 |
17/11/2022 UR全球員工達 1,000 人,創丹麥機器人產業里程碑 Universal Robots 全球員工達 1,000 人 創丹麥機器人產業里程碑,台灣自動化市場成長動能強勁完善產品生態系串聯產業聚落。 |
22/6/2022 Universal Robots 推出全新生力軍 UR20 負重達 20 公斤 協作型機器人領導廠商 Universal Robots (UR)近日宣布擴增其產品線,推出負重能力高達 20 公斤的 UR20;此款全新設計的協作型機器人是以 UR 精湛工藝所打造,為其系列產品線的最新生力軍。 |
27/4/2022 優傲科技第一季營收創新高,較去年同期增長30% 來自丹麥的協作型機器人(cobot)製造商優傲科技,今年第一季收益創歷年最佳紀錄,高達8,500萬美元,較2021年同期增長30%。 |
30/3/2022 優傲科技與MiR移動機器人聯合總部即將動土 再過幾週,優傲科技(UR)與MiR自主移動機器人聯合興建的高科技總部即將在丹麥歐登賽動土。這棟大樓將容納600名員工,可望成為全球最大的協作型機器人(cobot)與自主移動機器人(AMR)樞紐。動土典禮訂於4月20日舉行,預計2024年初完工。 |
29/3/2022 KIM POVLSEN:「以人為本」 一年前,Kim Povlsen接下了優傲科技總裁一職,且打從第一天起便對這個職務懷抱高度期許。他在職的這一年間,公司員工人數從原先的600多名增加到800名,即使疫情肆虐,仍創下年收益的紀錄。我們這次特地與Kim約訪,聊聊他在優傲科技第一年的甘苦談。 |
27/1/2022 自動化需求強勁!Universal Robots 2021年營收逆風成長 41% Universal Robots (UR)公布 2021 年營收達 3.11 億美元(相當於 86 .4億新臺幣),較 2020 年增長 41%,更比 2019 年疫情前的業績提升 23%。 Universal Robots 總裁 Kim Povlsen 表示,2021 年 UR 經歷了美好的一年,在專注生產精密、高品質標準的硬體製造商中,有如此成長幅度全歸功於所有人員的努力。丹麥的生產團隊更是打破內部協作型機器人生產數量的記錄,即便面臨全球的供應難題,UR 在第四季中,仍能於一周內生產 400 台協作型機器人。 |
2/11/2021 產官雙認證,學界加快腳步引進UR機器人 在美國聯邦先進製造業機器人策進會(ARM)以及俄亥俄州教育廳雙雙認證後,產學界能夠進一步利用協作機器人,提供機器人職業的就業能力,同時提高現有勞動力的技能。 |
24/9/2021 UR機器人協助包裝業與供應鏈解決缺工困擾 鑒於缺工問題日趨嚴峻,協作型機器人大廠優傲科技將針對開盒及堆棧等乏人問津的工作,向PACK EXPO與會者展示自動化解決方案。其幕後功臣,正是負載提升25%、同時也是優傲科技最暢銷的機種,UR10e。 |
6/1/2020 嘉士伯攜手UR機器人締造零事故紀錄 自從將優傲協作型機器人導入位在丹麥的弗雷德里西亞釀酒廠後,國際知名啤酒製造商嘉士伯已大幅改善員工的作業安全,並朝零事故的目標持續邁進。 |
13/11/2017 Universal Robots opens new repair center enabling overnight deliveries in North America 4,300 sq ft (400 m2) center adjacent to Universal Robots’ Americas headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan, now ready to cover North and South America with repair services, offering overnight delivery of spare parts in North America. |
3/11/2017 Universal Robots hires Chris Wilson as Vice President of Commercial Operations Following rapid global market expansion Universal Robots has announced Chris Wilson as Vice President of Commercial Operations. In his new position, Chris Wilson oversees all commercial support functions. |
1/11/2017 Universal Robots and ARC Specialties launching MIG welding system at FABTECH 2017 in Chicago Pioneer of collaborative robots introduces SnapWeld Collaborative Robotic Welding, featuring seamless hardware and software integration through the Universal Robots+ product platform. |
13/10/2017 Universal Robots expands Universal Robots Academy Universal Robots expands our free online training, adding three new modules that step up complexity by teaching users how to create and work with coordinate systems, variables and conditional statements, and how to use the cobot’s wizard to easily create a program for packaging. |
26/9/2017 IFR World Robotics Report 2017 We’re dedicated to bringing safe, flexible and easy to use robots to business of every size, all over the world. Find out more about Universal Robots and what we want to achieve here. |
31/5/2017 UR+ rated “Best of 2017” We’re dedicated to bringing safe, flexible and easy to use robots to business of every size, all over the world. Find out more about Universal Robots and what we want to achieve here. |
15/5/2017 Universal Robots at the Hanover Trade Fair 2017 Four Universal Robots integration partners provide insights into the broad spectrum of the application potential offered by UR3, UR5 and UR10 at the Hanover Trade Fair 2017. |
16/3/2017 Universal Robots to show rapidly expanding ecosystem Universal Robots will exhibit 7th axis capability, new force torque sensors, augmented reality-assisted assembly, and a wide range of other new partner solutions certified to work flawlessly with UR cobots through the Universal Robots+ platform. |
7/3/2017 Universal Robots keeps delivering high double-digit growth Universal Robots has continued its rapid expansion worldwide with a growth rate of 62% from 2015 to 2016. The company that pioneered and commercialized collaborative robot (cobot) technology continues to leverage its first mover advantage and market leadership position. |
16/2/2017 Universal Robots launches Universal Robots Academy offering free online training Universal Robots has developed online training modules to further lower the automation barrier. The hands-on modules are offered free of charge, open to all, and built to deliver hands-on learning via interactive simulations to maximize user engagement. |
10/11/2016 Universal Robots, Inventors of Collaborative Robots, launches in Sri Lanka The pristine island of Sri Lanka with its serene Buddhist culture will make-way for a technology pit-stop for one of the world leaders in the concept of ‘collaborative Robotics’. |
3/10/2016 New president at Universal Robots Odense, – October 3, 2016 Universal Robots A/S (UR), a Teradyne company and the global leader in the collaborative robot market, today named Jürgen von Hollen President effective immediately. He succeeds Enrico Krog Iversen who relinquished the post in June 2016 to pursue other interests |
29/9/2016 World Robotics Report 2016 announces collaborative robots as market driver Universal Robots welcomes new report that documents how “cobots” are now the hottest growth segment in industrial automation with forecasts showing no signs of slowing. |
9/9/2016 World renowned robot safety expert joins Universal Robots Roberta Nelson Shea is Universal Robots’ new Global Technical Compliance Officer. She has chaired the U.S. National Robot Safety Committee for 23 years, spent 35+ years within manufacturing automation, and is recognized as a global authority on robot safety - most recently as Convenor of the ISO committee publishing technical specifications on risk assessments of collaborative robots. |
21/6/2016 Pioneer of Collaborative Robots Launches Universal Robots+ Odense, Denmark/Munich, Germany, June 21, 2016:Universal Robots, the Danish pioneer of human-robot collaboration, revolutionizes the automation industry with the launch of Universal Robots+ at AUTOMATICA in Munich. Today, the company presents: |
17/5/2016 協作機械人歷史沿革 2008 年,優傲機械人售出了世界上第一臺協同機械人(cobot)— 早在這一新興的機械人種類被創建之前。快進至 2016 年,cobot 市場以每年 50% 的速度增長,現在是工業機械人領域增長最快的分支,預計到 2020 年,全球收入將達到 30 億美元。 |
24/2/2016 91 % growth in revenue Universal Robots' recently published financial statements leave no doubt as to the enormous growth potential of the robot industry. With revenue reaching 418 million DKK in 2015, the Odense-based company achieved 91% growth compared to 2014, while delivering a brilliant bottom line performance: a profit of 65.4 million DKK before tax. |
18/2/2016 Universal Robots the Danish pioneer of collaborative robots, launches in India The Danish Ambassador to India, Peter Taksøe-Jensen launched Universal Robots, the Danish robot manufacturer that pioneered collaborative robots, at the Le Meridian, New Delhi. The collaborative robots range was unveiled in a launch event by Esben Østergaard, Chief Technology Officer of Universal Robots, along with Pradeep David, General Manager, India. |
11/11/2015 Universal Robots exhibits at The International Dairy Show The Danish pioneer of collaborative robots is now reaching out to the dairy markets with lightweight, easy-to-use robotic arms. |
13/5/2015 Teradyne and Universal Robots Announce Agreement for Teradyne to Acquire Universal Robots, Leader in Collaborative Robots Teradyne and Universal Robots Announce Agreement for Teradyne to Acquire Universal Robots, Leader in Collaborative Robots |
1/4/2015 Universal Robots' UR5 chosen for the Broca Project, the first surgical robot made in Spain Three UR5 robot arms form an integral part of the project developed by Tecnalia and a team of engineers from Malaga University, which was presented this month at IMIBIC in Cordoba. |
17/3/2015 Universal Robots launches UR3 Universal Robots launches UR3 – the world’s most flexible, light-weight table-top robot to work alongside humans |
8/10/2014 Meet the next generation of collaborative UR robots at RoboBusiness Meet the next generation of cobots at RoboBusiness |
25/4/2014 Universal Robots to significantly expand production capacity Universal Robots to significantly expand production capacity |
24/4/2014 Your new robot colleague - coming out of its cage Your new robot colleague - coming out of its cage |
13/1/2014 Launch of URCaps: The new platform for UR accessories and peripherals Launch of URCaps: The new platform for UR accessories and peripherals |
8/1/2014 Meet the next generation of Universal Robots at IMTS Meet the next generation of Universal Robots at IMTS |
3/1/2014 What it takes to be a game changer What it takes to be a game changer |
20/12/2013 Universal Robots Establishes Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore Universal Robots Establishes Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore |